Allana Inst of Management Sciences, NO.: 2581-3137 (Online) NO. 2231 - 0290 ()UGC Approved Journal (Serial No. 43754)Drivers of satisfaction in mobile industry and its impact on customer loyaltyDr.Vijay Ganpat DhamoreChoice of Mobile, Service Satisfaction, Product reforms, Customer loyalty, Preference of mobile purchase1-9Volume 8, Issue2 (July 2018 - Dec 2018)July 2018 - Dec 2018Brand inclination is the selective claim for a company's product rather than a product; the grade to which consumers prefer one brand above another. Brand preference can be achieved by creating the positive brand copy in customer's awareness. The main contribution of this paper is that it exclusively identifies an approach to understanding the nourishing and susceptibility effects of Product reforms, Perceived value and Service Satisfaction on customer loyalty improvement. Understanding this tactic should lead to operative customer loyalty supervision. Satisfaction was comprised of three basic components, a response pertaining to a particular focus determined at a particular time. This study is based on a primary data based having 145 respondents. Study focuses on the impact of purchase experience factors of respondents on customer loyalty. It also contributes towards further guidelines to customer loyalty studies. The present paper focuses on the study of brand preference for mobile phones with reference to the management students in Pune city.1. Introduction-In every invention category, consumers have more selections, more evidence with higheropportunities. To move consumers from trial to preference, brand need to deliver on their valueproposition. With the great promotion strategy and large amount of investment, attentiveness canbe accomplished rather rapidly; it takes time to shape brand fondness. Managing and nourishingfavorite is a key step on the road to gain the customer loyalty. The primary objective of the studyis to assess the brand preference for mobile phones among the management students of PuneCity. It also identifies the major features which a MBA student experiences while purchaseprocess. The present study is the descriptive research. Brand liking analysis is done byconducting the Questionnaire Survey which describes the purchasing preferences for variety ofmobile phones.22. LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Customer loyalty-Customer loyalty is a key success corner stone to the progress of perpetual customers. Inmarketing research literature, loyalty is investigated as a component of one (general loyalty), two(attitudinal and behavioral) or four dimensions (cognitive, affective, conative, action). Before1970, the specialists focused only on behavioral dimension of loyalty, seen as a process ofrepeated purchases. Loyalty future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same brand-setpurchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to causeswitching behavior."(Oliver,1997).2.2 Product reforms-Wu1 and Li-Hsia Tseng (2014) examined the relationship between customer satisfaction andloyalty and their results showed that experiential marketing was a significant predictor and it hada positive impact on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Further it was stated that fordaily purchase items, women preferred Internet media due to convenience of Internet ease. Therewas a need for widespread services for the sales performance. Internet advertisements and microfilms were a new medium of brand promotion to draw public attention. Study suggested productdesign reforms and to offer an extensive assortment to increase its perceived value which leadsto customer loyalty. The lativ customers showed strong preference for the endorsement of brand.Authors also suggested to the managers of online shop to consistently analyze and developmarketing strategies to increase customer loyalty.2.3 Perceived value-The anticipated benefit from a consumer's perspective of a product or service. The customerperceived value stems from tangible, psychological and social advantages, and since it affectsdemand for a product, it needs to be taken into account when setting prices.The buyer's cognitive state of being adequately or inadequately rewarded for the sacrifices hehas undergone as stated by Howard and Sheth (1969).Tung (2010) indicated in his researchabout integration of the American Customer Satisfaction Model. Study emphasized on consumersatisfaction and focused on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use with the mobileservices industry in China. The study found positive effect on customer satisfaction. Theresearch also found that customer satisfaction had a significant positive direct impact oncustomer loyalty. In summary, it can be stated that as the level of customer satisfaction increases,the level of customer loyalty increases. It also increased perceived value of a brand. So followinghypothesis statement can be stated as32.4 Service satisfaction-It is conceptualized as a feeling developed from an evaluation of the use experience as stated byCadotte, Woodruff and Jenkins (1987). Westbrook and Reilly 1983 stated that an emotionalresponse to the experiences provided by and associated with particular products or servicespurchased, retail outlets, or even molar patterns of behavior such as shopping and buyerbehavior, as well as the overall marketplace. An emotional response triggered by a cognitiveevaluative process in which the perceptions of (or beliefs about) an object, action, or conditionare compared to one's values (or needs, wants, desires). Gogoi (2015) conducted a study onbuying process for services and found that quality was much more challenging to access prior topurchase. Study contended on five dimensions of services. There was a positive and significantrelationship between the dimensions of service (Reception, Friendliness and Service, RoomService) and drivers of customer loyalty (Price Satisfaction and Service Satisfaction). Price andservice satisfaction has an impact on customer loyalty. Service quality had a significant, positiveimpact on customer loyalty. Results revealed that service quality had a very strong impact oncognitive loyalty followed by affective loyalty, conative loyalty, and action loyalty. In Summary,Service quality satisfaction leads to Customer loyalty. So following hypothesis statement can bestated as-H1: Choice of Mobile will positively affect Customer loyalty.H2: Mobile buying preference will positively affect Customer loyalty.H3: Mobile brand interest will positively affect Customer loyalty.H4: Service satisfaction will positively affect Customer loyalty.H5: Emotional purchase experience decision will positively affect Customer loyalty.H6: Functional purchase experience decision will positively affect Customer loyalty.The research proposed a set of inferences to the research and the predecessors of enhancing andemerging customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is a consistent and tactical effort that managersshould focus on and develop.3. METHODOLOGY3.1 Variables- Product reforms, Perceived value, Service satisfaction are considered asindependent variables. Customer Loyalty will be a dependent variable.3.2. Data Analysis-Some of the items were deleted to find tune the questionnaire during the pilotstudy. Scale was adopted from journal procedia economics and finance (2012). Perceived valuescale functional value (installation) was adopted from (sanchez et al, 2006) and emotional value(novelty) was adopted from otto (1997); otto andritchie (1996).4Questionnaire was distributed among the regular mobile phone users. Online survey method wasadopted to collect responses from 145 respondents.Statistical analysis is as below-Table 3.1 Reliability statisticsCronbach's Alpha N of Items.787 08With reference to table no 3.1 it is interpreted that Reliability analysis for 8 items is 0787 whichsatisfies the criteria for Reliability. This criteria was stated by Nunnally (1978) recommendsreliabilities of 0.70 or better (but not much beyond than 0.80) for basic researchTable 3.2 Frequency Table-3.21 AGEFrequency PercentValidPercentCumulativePercentValid 20 TO 40 YEARS 145 83.8 100.0 100.0Missing System 28 16.2Total 173 100.0With reference to table no 3.21, it is interpreted that Majority of the respondents were from theage group 20 to 40 years as compared to other age groups whose percentage is 84%.3.22 GENDERFrequency PercentValidPercentCumulativePercentValid MALE 98 56.6 67.6 67.6FEMALE 47 27.2 32.4 100.0Total 145 83.8 100.0Missing System 28 16.2Total 173 100.0With reference to table no 3.22, it is interpreted that Majority of the respondents were Male,which contributes to 57 % of total respondents.53.23 INCOMEFrequency PercentValidPercentCumulativePercentValid BELOW 10,000 101 58.4 69.7 69.710,000 TO 20,000 24 13.9 16.6 86.2ABOVE 20,000 20 11.6 13.8 100.0Total 145 83.8 100.0Missing System 28 16.2Total 173 100.0With reference to table no 3.23, it is interpreted that Majority of the respondents were frombelow 10,000 income earnings whose percentage is 59 %.3.24 Mobile Purchase preference among the various mobile brands.With reference to table no 3.24, it is interpreted that consumer preference regarding the purchaseof a new mobile telephone in the Pune market is specific to Brands like Samsung, Apple, LG,Lenovo etc. The ranking of brands is based on survey according to which the market share of thefour brands under consideration are: Apple 39%, Samsung 37%, LG 8%, MI and Nokia 2%,Vivo, OPPO, MI, Redmi, One Plus, Xiomi are having 3 %. So, It is interpreted that Apple is themost preferable brand among all mobile brands and Mi and Nokia are the least preferred brand ofmobile in Pune city.Apple39%Samsung37%Nokia2%LG8%Mi2%Redmi3% Mi3%Oppo3%One Plus3%Preference to Mobile PurchaseAppleSamsungNokiaLGMiRedmiMiOppoOne Plus6Table 3.3 Descriptive StatisticsMeanStd.DeviationNREPURCHASE DECISION 1.31 .464 145CHOICE OF MOBILE 4.09 2.648 145MOBILE PREFRENCE TO BUY 1.12 .323 145FULL COMPANY INTEREST 1.18 .385 145AFTER SALES SERVICESATISFACTION5.58 .770 145EMOTIONAL DECISIONSATISFACTION2.41 1.441 145FUNCTIONAL EXPERIENCESATISFACTION3.46 1.833 145RECOMMENDATION TO OTHERS1.00 .000 145With reference to table no 3.3, it is interpreted that Based on the descriptive statistics, Meanvalue for after sales service satisfaction factor is high 5.58 and Mean value for the factor mobilepreference to buy is low 1.12.Since high value interprets that respondents are satisfied with aftersales service. They are most likely to buy as per their shopping experience from the service.Table 3.4 Regression AnalysisCoefficientsaModelUnstandardizedCoefficientsStandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error Beta t Sig.1 (Constant) 2.732 .502 5.439 .000CHOICE OF MOBILE -.045 .016 -.257 -2.737 .007MOBILE PREFRENCETO BUY-.166 .123 -.115 -1.347 .180FULL COMPANYINTEREST.223 .093 .185 2.399 .018AFTER SALES SERVICESATISFACTION-.229 .070 -.379 -3.274 .0017EMOTIONAL DECISIONSATISFACTION.067 .028 .209 2.400 .018FUNCTIONALEXPERIENCESATISFACTION-.058 .029 -.230 -2.006 .047a. Dependent Variable: REPURCHASE DECISIONWith reference to table no 3.4, it is interpreted that For all mentioned constants one factor doesnot satisfies the p value criteria (p< 0.05) that is 'Mobile preference to buy'. But all other factorsare statistically significant. (p